The Norwegian Parliament has worked through the state budget presented by the government in October this year. Most of the tax rates remain as outlined in October.
The biggest change from the original budget is that “Ships in Foreign Trade” are exempt from their uniquely Norwegian CO2 tax. However, as the budget resolution can be interpreted, the ministry has the authority to introduce this new (it must be emphasized, uniquely Norwegian) tax whenever they see fit. The wording is as follows: “From the time determined by the ministry, the following changes shall apply: § 1 first paragraph letter a new final bullet point shall read: international shipping: NOK 1.33 per liter.”
“Fishing in foregin waters” was supposed to be removed as a separate tax code, but the code still exists. Fishing vessels operating beyond 250 nautical miles are exempt from 3/4 of the full CO2 tax and will therefore “only” pay a tax of NOK 0.93 per liter.
The rules for the bio-additive/blending of HVO for marine use will remain the same as those applicable in 2024.
The tax rates for 2025 are as follows (all rates are stated excluding VAT):
Wondering when the taxes applies?